Putting in the kilometers

I covered some serious ground today, and my feet are feeling it. It started with a morning run along the Tiber…

That led to post-run pastry ogling…

 Which inevitably led to post-run pastry consuming (sfogliatelle, my favorite)…

 And then, belly full, I noticed – and applauded – the rim of bike lane that is the shore of the Tiber…

And, after my wine and cheese tasting class, I strolled past galleries like this one, with some hilarious Obama/Clinton art…

And after walking through the Foro Romano and the Palatino and circling the Colosseum, I ended up here…

Where I enjoyed a beer, then rambled on for some wine and dinner. I like eating dinner in a restaurant alone, though I wouldn’t want to do it all the time. I sat and read this fascinating Atlantic article on gun control, sipped a white wine (which I now know, after wine class, that I like because it’s mineral-y!), and ate stuffed squash blossoms, the best penne arrabiata I’ve ever had, and seared tuna. And now I go to bed, because in the morning I head to Frankfurt. Boo.

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