2014. Huh.

Happy new year…eh. This year has not started off well, but years seem like arbitrary delineations of time, so I’m not going to get too worked up about it. Mostly because there are other things to get worked up about. First of all, my Aunt Irene (AI), a kooky hero of my life, passed away on New Year’s day. Not really ready to dig into that, so let’s move on to the fact that Mike and I are trapped in New York. Thanks, polar vortex.

It is very cold here, but that’s not so bad. Eventually United Airlines will figure out a way to get us home, and at that point we’ll return to our regularly schedule 65 degree programming. The icy wind that’s whipping down the streets is a novelty for us, albeit an uncomfortable one. We have kind friends here in New York who have welcomed us into their home, kind friends in San Francisco who are feeding our cats, and kind family who shlepped us back and forth to my parents’ property in Pennsylvania as our travel plans whiplashed. 

The loss of control over our lives is what’s driving me nuts. I’m not sleeping well not because the beds aren’t comfortable, but because I’m uneasy about not knowing where I’ll be when. And probably because I’m sad about AI, too, but I’m holding off on that until I’m back in my own home. Which hopefully will be soon.

Tribute to AI is forthcoming, but for now I’ll leave you with this. Cheeseball, babe, golden prom queen.


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