

I wrote a piece for A Practical Wedding (the only sane wedding blog out there) about our ceremony and its magic. You can check it out here

Putting a personal story onto the broader intertubes is funny; I was half dreading its publication and attendant possible embarassment, but also half hoping it would go viral or something and the world would be like, Let’s pay that lady a million dollars to write things when she feels like it. Totally reasonable expectations. 

Turns out, it’s been lovely hearing reactions from friends and family who were there, as well as those who weren’t able to make it. And because A Practical Wedding’s readership is largely delightful, the comments have been wonderful, a la “Well this is just THE. BEST. This, to me, is everything that is wonderful about weddings, and that first paragraph sounds like it came right out of my brain. Beautiful words and beautiful photos!” Can’t ask for more than that, right?

Oh, wait, I got to have a kickass wedding to a fantastic dude, surrounded by my favorite people. Can’t ask for more than THAT.

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