Things I’m reading today

– Hell yes lady-run brewery! Must go this weekend.

– Google’s Monastic Vision for the Future of Work – I’ve worked from the Googleplex for 7.5 years, and I still don’t know what to make of it. I did like this line: “Every family leader wants to build a generous homestead, but imaginative life is more often at home in walkups, in the messy parts of town.” See, that’s why Mike and I want both a city apartment AND a country house! 

Inside Obama’s Stealth Startup – the URL is “obama-and-his-geeks”.

Amy Schumer Is Going to Be a Very Good Movie Star: “Watching her over the past few months — stealing shine at awards shows, giving destined-to-be viral acceptance speeches, and wrapping the triumphant third season of her Comedy Central show Inside Amy Schumer — has been nothing short of exhilarating. She’s like a comet streaking gloriously across the Zeitgeist, leaving a tail of smudged mascara and Fireball aftertaste in her wake.“ 

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